Sunday 18 October 2015

Madeleine Monday

Madeleine At The City Museum 2015-10-17 4

I'm still backed up with material from recent weeks' events in The Lou. However, on Saturday we took Madeleine for her first visit to the ineffable City Museum. There was some concern that she might not have been ready for it at 26 months of age. We needn't have worried.

The ball pit was her favorite. There were two, one for the big kids and the other for 6 and under. It might have been the most fun thing she's ever done. Such a look of pure joy.

The child is just full of joie de vivre. We stopped for carry-outs on our back way and spread it out on a low table at daughter Emily's house. Some of the food was garnished with little lemon wedges. Madeleine, of course, popped one in her mouth and decided it wasn't so bad. Then she took it out, hid it between her chin and neck while bending her head forward, marched around a bit like that and then let it drop out, throwing her head back with a squeal. And then repeated it a time or two for good measure. The kid knows how to have a good time.              

Madeleine At The City Museum 2015-10-17 3

Madeleine At The City Museum 2015-10-17 2

Madeleine At The City Museum 2015-10-17 1

Madeleine At The City Museum 2015-10-17 5

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