Saturday 24 October 2015

Dernières photos de l'expo Anish Kapoor

Kapoor Versailles Sectional Body preparing for monadic singularity
The controversial Anish Kapoor exhibition in the palace gardens is drawing to an end, should you want to see it, hurry up, it ends on 1 November. VDP had already shown you several works (see them here, here and there) but had yet to show you the two last ones. This red cube, which is located in the star grove, is called 'Sectional body preparing for monadic singularity'. Should you understand what that means, please let VDP know. She did, however, like the inside of it which she thought was rather photogenic!

L'exposition controversée Anish Kapoor dans les jardins du château se termine le 1er novembre. VDP vous avait déjà montré plusieurs œuvres (ici, ici et ), il en restait encore deux autres à voir. Ce cube rouge, intitulé "Sectional body preparing for monadic singularity", se trouve dans le bosquet de l'étoile. A défaut d'en saisir toute la signification, VDP a bien aimé l'intérieur, qu'elle a trouvé très photogénique.
Kapoor Versailles Sectional Body preparing for monadic singularity
Kapoor Versailles Sectional Body preparing for monadic singularity
The last exhibit is called 'Descension', a vortex of hypnotic rushing water, very difficult to photograph!

La dernière oeuvre s'intitule "Descension", un vortex d'eau hypnotique, difficile à prendre en photo !
Kapoor Versailles Descension vortex
Kapoor Versailles Descension vortex
While VDP did not like the gigantic 'Dirty Corner', also dubbed 'the queen's vagina', she cannot understand why it would have been vandalised a second time... The gold paint was added to hide the tags...

Quoique VDP n'ait pas aimé le gigantesque "Dirty Corner", surnommé "le vagin de la reine", elle ne comprend pas comment il est possible de vandaliser à deux reprises cet objet... La peinture dorée a été ajoutée pour cacher les tags...
Kapoor Versailles Dirty Corner vandalisé vandalised
Kapoor Versailles Dirty Corner vandalisé vandalised

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