Monday 12 October 2015

Chicago Architecture 1

2015-10-12 Chicago Architecture 7

No American city center has architecture as interesting and varied as Chicago. Mrs. C and I got up early yesterday morning and caught the first-of-the-day boat ride on the branches of the Chicago River run by the Chicago Architecture Foundation

If you find yourself in this city the CAF water, walking and bus tours are a don't miss experience. Since our first child went to the University of Chicago almost 20 years ago (and then four years later the second, leading to a search for a bumper sticker saying My Money And My Children Go To The University Of Chicago), we've been on many of their tours. Never tire of them.

Lots more of these pix. It's getting pretty late Monday as I write this so explanation later. 

2015-10-12 Chicago Architecture 6

2015-10-12 Chicago Architecture 3

2015-10-12 Chicago Architecture 1

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