Tuesday 27 October 2015

50th Anniversary

Gateway Arch 2015-10-25 4

Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the completion of the Gateway Arch. It is an engineering marvel, formed in the shape of a catenary arch, the curve you get when you dangle a chain by its ends. Only flipped upside down. Stainless steel, 630 feet / 192 meters high, symbol of our city and source of endless fascination for me. Long may it shine. You can see an interesting illustration of the construction here

Mrs. C and I are flying to Denver this morning, where I have a professional conference. We've driven from the airport into the mountains a few times but we don't know the city at all. It will be very busy and I will probably be light on visits to my friends' blogs but I promise some pix. Rocky Mountain high and all that.                    

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