Saturday 6 February 2016

The Land Of The Weird And The Home Of The Tipsy

STL Mardi Gras Parade 2015-02-06 1 
From Busch Stadium to the Soulard Farmers Market, St. Lunatics turn out on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday to cut loose. The alcohol had begun to flow by the time I got to the staging area about 10. I guarantee you that is not iced tea in the container on the left below. Heaven knows how these bacchantes were functioning by sunset.

Sorry to say that the parade wasn't up to the standards of recent years - many fewer floats, lots less people in outlandish, provacative costumes. No idea why. The crowd was a bit down, too, despite fabulous winter for February - bright sun and 50F/10C. Maybe the area wants a new circus.

Of course, today is Stupid Bowl Sunday, our nation's grand celebration of gratuitous violence and corporate greed. Our family's anti-party tonight is at STL's hottest new eatery, Reed's American Table. You can get into any restaurant you want this evening. But soon Ash Wednesday will come, a time for penance and reflection. We're flying to Miami that day, which seems like a solid American way to observe it.                    

STL Mardi Gras Parade 2015-02-06 2

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