Saturday 20 February 2016

The Blind Guitarist

2016-02-16 Rl Viejo Wetlands 17

So the señorita mentioned yesterday takes us down to an actual or replica old Tico home (who knows which), where another woman is making snacks at an outdoor oven, based on corn, sugar and milk. Tasty, but we just had a big lunch. 

The hit, though, was this blind guitarist, who had a beautiful lyric tenor voice. He sang traditional Costa Rican songs. The guide asked me if I had any requests. Now, I don't know any Latin American songs from anywhere between Mexico and Argentina. La Bamba seemed out of the question. I tried my best to croon the opening lines of Mi Buenos Aires Querido. No luck. But this guy was good.

Home now. Lots of catching up to do.           
2016-02-16 Rl Viejo Wetlands 18

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