Friday 26 February 2016

Tell A Fairy Tale Day


Tell A Fairy Tale Day is being celebrated today!

What better time than now to tell you about a unique experience I enjoyed while staying with the Franziskusgemeinschaft in Austria last November.
The community invited Eva Meierhofer, a professional storyteller, for an evening of fairy tales!

Eva came with a thick book of  "the world's most beautiful fairy tales."

Also a strange little book, "Tales of Idiots, Poor, Beggars, Jews, and Gypsies."

Since I didn't understand all that much of the German, I could concentrate on Eva's pointy shoes and special umbrella.

The Feenhaar, literally fairy hair, played with a bow, gave ethereal music.
I think it is also called a psalter.
You can hear a sample of its music and see beautiful photos of how the instruments are made in Switzerland here:

All the members of the Franciscan farming community gave it a try.
It was really a magical evening in rural Austria.
You can look for Eva Meierhofer on Facebook and see more of her special work.

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