Saturday 21 March 2015

Victoria - The Widow of Windsor

Two statues of Queen Victoria in our CBD. Two that I know of, anyways.

The first and third photo show the same statue: located in the forecourt of the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), on the intersection of George Street, with both Park Street, and Druitt Streets. I stepped this way and that to alter the background, the golden sandsrone of the QVB or the modern stripes of the Hilton.

The middle shot is of the statue located at the top of Macquarie Street near its intersection with Prince Albert Road. I did not remove the background. What you see is the sky on an overcast day. Contrary to rumour, we do sometimes get those here in Sydney town.

Queen Victoria ascended the British Throne in June 1837 and died in January 1901 - 63 years and 7 months.. This was in the growth years of Sydney as a city. The ties to "motherland" were strong and genuine. Sadly, they still are. Sometime in September this year, the reign of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, will exceed that of her great-grand-mother.

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