Wednesday 18 March 2015

Hawkesbury Riverboat Postman (2) - drive-ways

The Hawkesbury River is about 44km north of Sydney, and using the F3 Freeway should take 3/4 hour by car. The train from Chatswood takes a bit over an hour, but you have to change to the Newcastle Line at Hornsby. Note, there us neither lift, nor escalator at Hawkesbury River Station, and the stairs are not easy. The check-in point for the cruise is 100m from the station, within sight.

The weather made me appreciate the natural beauty of the area more. And understand the rugged individualism of those residents whose only access to their homes is by water. Many do have Fostel though ...

This is my second cruise with the Riverboat Postman, my first being in January 2010. It was a sunny day the first time, but the overcast day this time was just as enjoyable. The vessel had changed in the meantime. Now it is a catamaran which seats possibly 80-100 sightseers. Last time there was not a meal served on board, rather we bought fish'n'chips at the co-op at the end of the cruise. I think I would prefer that. It did feel a bit like cattle-class. The cruise left a bit after 10am and returned in time to catch the 1:24pm train back to Hornsby.

It is a lovely area, and I will go up again during Autumn. I might just take the Dangar Island ferry and wander the island for a couple of hours. It is a wonderful way to recharge the batteries. Or I might bite the bullet and take one of the trips around the lower Hawkesbury.

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