Monday 30 March 2015

Busking with a Settimio Soprani, no less!

There are 15 "Busking Pitches" around Circular Quay; this is CQ9 which is a "Walk By Area" only, meaning no gathering a crowd into an arc around you, as you would obstruct the passageway in such a busy area. Busking around CQ is controlled by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, rather than the City of Sydney.

This chap, European to his bootstraps, was the most subdued busker I have seen in a long while. Possibly goes along with his choice of instrument. He played mainly European art-house tunes and folk music.

The Settimio Soprani accordian is built in Castelfidardo in central Italy, the first having been built not long after the annexure of the Marche area in 1860

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