Friday 9 January 2015

Give us this day ...

Just before we moved into our Three-Gen house, my daughter gave herself a Christmas present of a bread-maker. That was just on two years ago now (31 Jan), and I can count on one finger the number of commercial loaves we have bought since the move. My daughter times the process so it finishes at 7am. The house is suffused with the most adorable of aromas. Up there with garlic sizzling in Olive Oil.

Kirsten's range includes this standard multigrain loaf. A mixed fruit loaf. A foccacia. And a Brioche. They change just a smidge each time. But are invariably delicious. Rather than doing a full-blown advert, I thought to just include an image. Two years at a loaf a day, comes to ... let me see ... over 700 loaves. And still going strong.

And the darlings have ceded the crust end to yours truly.

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