Monday 19 January 2015

3. What would I miss? Sydney's icons ...

The Opera House and the Harbour Bridge separated by a swivel.

If I had to leave Sydney, or if I CHOSE to leave Sydney, what would I miss?

William Kendall seems to think that one of us Sydney bloggers will say that we will miss one of these two icons. Well, yes, I love having them there, and I am emotionally attahed more to the harbour bridge than to the opera house. But, they are just buildings. There are other bridges, albeit they do not have views over Sydney Harbour. But they do have views of water. There are other opera houses, staging remarkably similar versions of the oeuvre. Some avant-garde like this one, and others architectured more conservative.

There are other Sydney icons, too. Like the green and gold First Fleet Class ferries. Like Sydney Tower, which just HAS to be a sibling of the Seattle Space Needle. Like North and South Head which stand as silent sentinels at the opening to our harbour. But they are all replaceable, to some extent, in my affections.

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