Monday 26 January 2015

7. What wouldn't I miss? The sheer size of my city ...

Both these image were taken from the Pylon Lookout on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The first image is facing east, ie pointing down the harbour to the Pacific Ocean. The second image is facing north-west, ie facing upstream, and inland.

Sydney has a population of 4.75 million, which is just under 20% of the entire Australian nation. Sydney covers an area of 12,367 km2, with a density of 380 people per square kilometre. Sheer urban sprawl.

From Bondi to Penrith (ie, from the ocean to the mountains), is 65 kms. This is the east-west axis.

From Cronulla to Berowra is about 60 kms, ie the north-south axis.

From Palm Beach to Campbelltown, the diagonal axis, is 100 kms.

We live in enclaves, sometimes determined by socio-economic factors, sometimes by education factors. Often, however, people live where they do from choice, or because their "people" have always lived thereabouts.

If I had to leave Sydney, I would hope that I moved to a more densely populated city, ot to a smaller town.

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