Saturday 23 January 2016

Two parents, two handwritings


This has nothing to do with Israel, but . . . here goes.
Turns out that today is National Handwriting Day in some English-speaking nations.
Didn't want to illustrate this post with a sample of my own penmanship lest you submit it to a graphologist for analysis.  Oi! ;)
So here is a page from my mother's scrapbook that she made when my father went off to war as a U.S. Army Air Corps pilot in 1943, with all the mementos that sustained her in that difficult time of waiting.
If you click a few times you can enlarge my scanned photo enough to read  two very different styles of cursive:
Mom's left-leaning script (can you even read it?) with open circles to dot the i, and Dad's right-leaning easy-to-read writing (which is like mine).

I just hope my young device-prone grandkids will be taught cursive in school so they will be able, for instance, to read this family treasure, the scrapbook made by their late great grandmother.

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