Sunday 22 November 2015

Les bougies à l'hôtel de ville

Bougies candles Versailles town hall Paris terror attacks 2015
Seen on Saturday in front of the town hall which you have seen numerous times on this blog. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, the French national motto just seems even more important now after the terror attacks of 13 November... VDP was going to an event (more tomorrow) and note the security barriers that aren't usually there... This was one week and a day after. And also the day after the attack in Bamako...

C'était samedi devant l'hôtel de ville. Une semaine et un jour après. Le lendemain de Bamako. Notez les barrières de sécurité qui ne sont habituellement pas là...
Bougies candles Versailles town hall Paris terror attacks 2015

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