Friday 13 November 2015

Le désherbage des ouvrages

Désherbage des ouvrages Versailles 2015
Oh gosh, VDP is a week late in showing you these pictures. Once a year, at the town hall, the city's nine public libraries hold a sale of books they no longer need, or have too many of. VDP loves how the sale is called: 'the books weeding' They go for the ridiculous price of an euro (approximately 1.10 $ per book for you Americans, or 72p per book for you Brits), which is lowered to 50 cents in the last hour, which is when VDP went. Ooooh, she would have loved to buy that C. J. Box book but eeek, not in French!

Update 1:00 AM CET after the shootings in Paris: VDP is fine as is Vreni from Vienna Daily Photo who is currently in Paris. Going to try and catch some sleep...

Ouh là, VDP a une semaine de retard avec ces photos. Tous les ans, les bibliothèques municipales "désherbent" leurs ouvrages, vendus au prix ridicule d'un euro par livre, et même 50 centimes dans la dernière heure... VDP aurait adoré acheter le bouquin de C. J. Box s'il avait été en anglais !
Désherbage des ouvrages Versailles 2015 C.J. Box
Désherbage des ouvrages Versailles 2015
Désherbage des ouvrages Versailles 2015
For three euros, VDP did rather well with books in French and German!

Pour trois euros, VDP s'est assez bien débrouillée...
Désherbage des ouvrages Versailles 2015

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