Saturday 15 September 2018

The Third Best Restaurant In The World

There is a web site out of the UK - it's been around for awhile - called The 50 Best Restaurants In The World. Of course it is controversial and subjective but, if they are to be believed, we had lunch yesterday at Number Three, Mirazur here in Menton. Of course it's expensive but not that bad at lunch. Let me put it this way: it's a lot less than tickets to Hamilton on Broadway.

It is on a hillside overlooking the town of Menton and the Mediterranean, right on the Italian border. I can't begin to describe all the things they served us. Let me just note that the picture on top shows two martini glasses containing jellied tomato water (!) topped by tiny flower petals. And I've sure never been given a text by Pablo Neruda with the bread.

This was a chef's choice tasting menu. Impossible to remember all the details bu they gave a little card with what we were served (see below). Lastly, a little box with exquisite tiny cakes. We will save then for Ellie.

I felt a bit embarrassed afterward. My palate is simply not this sophisticated. 

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