Saturday 1 September 2018



Torah was given to teach us. 
And today's City Daily Photo Theme Day's focus is TEACH.

Pirkei Avot 4:15 in the Talmud says

Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua taught: "The dignity of your students should be as precious to you as your own. The dignity of your colleagues should be as precious to you as your reverence for your teacher. The reverence for your teacher should be as great as your reverence for God."
And the daily prayer Kaddish dRabbanan blesses our teachers:

 "May you be blessed and strengthened as you have blessed
and strengthened your student.
May you have peace, grace, kindness, mercy, long life and
everything you need."
Good luck to the 2,310,000 pupils in Israel who start the new school year tomorrow, Sunday, September 2.  And blessings to their teachers!

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