Sunday 30 September 2018

Atlier des Lumières 2

Some Klimpt faces, or suggestions of them. We are a self-absorbed species, aren't we?

You may have observed that these shots are all taken from the same angle. The steroid shot I got in my back wore off so I needed to just sit, not wander around the atlier as I would have liked. Notice the Hundertwasser eyes sneaking into the third picture. Also the hourglass in the fourth: is white sand just about to run or has black sand run all the way through?         

Change for the pushke


Almost full!
Quite some time ago our town's Chabad rabbi gave me this pushke. 
It was empty then.
Rabbi Shneor's hope was that I would put in some loose change every day--not because he needed the money for Chabad House, but because he wanted me to learn the habit of giving tsdakah every day. 

Tsdakah in Hebrew means justice or righteousness but is often translated (for want of a better English equivalent) as "charity."

Today's Theme Day subject at City Daily Blog is CHANGE and I decided to go with coins as change.  But to see how other bloggers did it, see .

To read about the uniquely Jewish perspective on charity, please see


Saturday 29 September 2018

An Autumn Harley

Asian Corner Greenwood BC Canada

Atlier des Lumières 1

There is  an amazing new attraction in Paris called the Atlier des Lumières, the Workshop of Lights. It's been open since April. Some visionary people turned an old iron foundry into a complex light show on the walls and floor, ever changing and accompanied by intense music. There were three productions shown in rotation, one about the work of Gustav Klimpt.  one on Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and the last an abstract piece called Poetic AI. These are some from Klimpt. There are many more pictures to edit and post,

The experience is spellbinding. Check its website at  . More to come.  

Sunday 23 September 2018

Coffee,Food, Photography

What else could one want, mixed with young lovers on the streets of Paris? Nothing like the St. Louis Fringe.

Down the street from our apartment.  My mystery French cooties may be a bit better but they are not gone. Then the steroid shot in my back - poof! - wore off, leaving me hobbling around. We went to Saint-Chappelel today, . Some nice official saw me leaning on my cane and cut us to the front of the ticket line. Once inside all I could do was sit. I started taking pictures of the other tourists with the LED screen flipped down, thinking of a series called Paris On My Butt. May yet edit those. 

Here tomorrow: Home late Tuesday night.      

In The Pompidou

Everyone knows the Pompidou Center for Modern Art, the one with all the color-coded pipes and escalators in tubes on the outside. We visited yesterday, despite my ongoing health problems. The entryway to one floor was lined with sofas, each covered with oriental rugs and bolster pillows. Some people used them for rest, some for a bit of voyeurism. I did both.

The east side of the building has a long concrete slope down to the doors. Uber was sponsoring a project to cover it with turf, a work of art in itself, I suppose. 

I'll be putting up a couple more pictures from yesterday on Facebook.       

Friday 21 September 2018

The Streets Of The Marais

We are staying in the Parisian neighborhood known as the Marais, to the east of the Pompidou Center. I haven't looked this up to be sure, but my memory is that was once the Jewish quarter, and once just sort of run down. Now it has a vibe similar to Soho in New York, albeit with much smaller and irregular streets.

We walked to the Picasso Museum today. It's a beautiful old building (the bottom two pictures are the courtyard) but I couldn't appreciate it. My only, constant thought was I need to sleep now. Whatever I have is not a simple bacterial infection but I won't know for sure until I get home and see my doctor. It's a really good 24 hours if I sleep less than 12 of them.

We can easily conclude that Paris has better quality wall art than St. Louis.          

Friday Morning, Paris

We finally made it. This is the scene outside out apartment on a cool, drizzly morning. I totally stole the composition idea in the top picture from Virginia, but she does it better. The one below is, I think, a shoe store for men with more money than sense. The shutters are still down but note that the tree on the right is smoking a cigarette.

My French cooties are slowly subsiding. Actually ate some dinner last night. The main problem now is the arthritis in my back, which gets much worse with dragging and lifting luggage. Really slowing me down sometimes. But we'll take it easier today and start with the Picasso museum, which is nearby.

And I'm stumbling along okay in French. They appreciate that I try.         

Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Book of Life is still open


Just before I shut down the computer for the next 26 hours of Yom Kippur, let me wish you a gmar chatima tova.
May you be written and sealed in God's Book of Life for a good new year of life! 


Saturday 15 September 2018

The Third Best Restaurant In The World

There is a web site out of the UK - it's been around for awhile - called The 50 Best Restaurants In The World. Of course it is controversial and subjective but, if they are to be believed, we had lunch yesterday at Number Three, Mirazur here in Menton. Of course it's expensive but not that bad at lunch. Let me put it this way: it's a lot less than tickets to Hamilton on Broadway.

It is on a hillside overlooking the town of Menton and the Mediterranean, right on the Italian border. I can't begin to describe all the things they served us. Let me just note that the picture on top shows two martini glasses containing jellied tomato water (!) topped by tiny flower petals. And I've sure never been given a text by Pablo Neruda with the bread.

This was a chef's choice tasting menu. Impossible to remember all the details bu they gave a little card with what we were served (see below). Lastly, a little box with exquisite tiny cakes. We will save then for Ellie.

I felt a bit embarrassed afterward. My palate is simply not this sophisticated. 

Thursday 13 September 2018

Fun in the park


Fun at the big annual AACI Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel picnic at a Beer Sheva park.


Tuesday 11 September 2018

Til The Cold WInter's Through

This was the most difficult show I shot at The Fringe, both because of the material and a serious lighting problem that interfered with photography. These are the best I could get. The program describes it:

'Til the Cold Winter's Through, a new dramatic work by Shannon Geier and River A. Dowdy, explores the devastation surrounding the issues of human trafficking and child exploitation, by tracing the stories of those who have suffered and survived. The many facets of these modern tragedies are examined in a way that gives voice to those who are often silenced and raise awareness of issues that are often deemed too painful to explore. Mature Audiences Only.

This is probably the last Fringe material for a while. Other adventures await.