Tuesday 18 April 2017

Watch the wind

Walk four minutes down my street and you will abruptly be in the wilderness. 
Here's a little video I made on a windy afternoon, just because the golden grass was rippling in waves so gracefully.
What was all green during the winter rains now becomes golden and soon, in the long dry summer everything will be brown. 

When I walk alone in the desert at this season I can't help but sing an appropriate song from my youth:

Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plainAnd the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweetWhen the wind comes right behind the rainOklahoma ev'ry night my honey lamb and ISit alone and talk, and watch a hawkMakin lazy circles in the sky 
We know we belong to the landAnd the land we belong to is grand . . . 

You can hear it on YouTube
 (As you may have guessed, I'm linking to ABC Wednesday's O Day.)

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