Thursday 13 April 2017


The statue of Meriwether Lewis, who along with William Clark, left St. Louis in 1804 on a two year voyage of discovery into what became the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The statue used to be down on the levee by the Mississippi and would be periodically inundated when the river rose high. See this old post for illustrations of how far under Big Muddy it got.

The river is pretty high right now but not in flood. The photo below is the rail of a stairway that goes down to the levee, where you can park most of the year.

There are a lot of pictures from Five Fifths still to edit. What I lack is time. Geez, I thought things would be calmer after doing this job for 42 years but not yet. Maybe soon.

And speaking of years, today is Mrs. C and my 43rd. Hi, sweetie, It worked out, didn't it?        

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