Wednesday 23 March 2016

Peace and Justice

"Allah is the gracious and ever merciful" His Holiness Hadrat Mirza Hasroor Ahmad told an audience of more than 900 that included UK politicians, religious representatives, and media from around the world.  The teachings of Islam does not condone the murder, violence, or retribution carried out by groups such as Daesh he said, quoting several passages from the Qur'an to prove his point.

The world leader of the South London based Ahmadiyya Muslim community gave a hard hitting address at the thirteenth peace sympossium at the Baitul Futuh Mosque. He condemned terrorism and extremism, stating that those who preach hatred, revenge, and death are not following the true teachings of Islam.

His Holiness Hadrat Mirza Hasroor Ahmad, Kaliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community
He went on to question the wisdom of governments who demand regime change in other countries and evidenced that in recent decades this has left the countries in complete and utter turmoil with civil wars and unbridled terrorism.  

He proposed that governments around the world should work together to address the Syrian refugee crisis to achieve peace in the region and allow the refugees to remain in their own country. There are simply too many refugees for the European countries to absorb.

He warned that if governments continued with their current economic and geopolitical policies then he believes that we are headed for another world war.

Ms Hadeel Qassim
The media was also condemned for their part in giving constant attention to the actions of a minority.  More focus should be given to the positive and not just sensationalising these minority actions.

The event always honours a person who has advanced the cause of peace.  This year the award was given to Hadeel Qassim for her work with children in Iraqi refugee camps. She was a refugee herself, and after receiving help she has returned to help others, especially children trying to survive on their own.

His concluding message was that "we all play our respective roles in furthering the cause of humanity, and that true peace, based upon justice, is established in all parts of the world."

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