Wednesday 9 December 2015

Canyon Walls

Luther Ely Smith Plaza 2015-12-05 3

These are the buildings beside the square we saw yesterday. Above, the swanky Hyatt Hotel. Below, the very pleasant but less pretentious Drury Plaza Hotel, part of a regional chain.

Yesterday and today's photos are HDRs converted to black and white. They are three shots, taken at -1 2/3, 0 and +1 2/3 stops. Three of the four were converted with Photomatix, which can produce results from dramatic to garish (less risk with B&W). The Hyatt image is done with Photoshop's HDR Pro. That's better for simple balancing of strong lights and darks in a picture with high contrast. It makes for a more natural image but with less punch. I go back and forth.                    

Luther Ely Smith Plaza 2015-12-05 4

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