Thursday 24 September 2015

The Macquaries were "greenies" ...

To my way of thinking, this pair left an indelible mark upom the structure, and the style, of Sydney. They lodged at the first government house from 1810-1821. He reorganised the layout of the streets, no mean feat considering the topography with which Sydney is blessed. And yes, he named one of them Macquarie, and another Elizabeth.

He confirmed Hyde Park as a leisure ground for the peopke, and set aside bothThe Domain, and the botanic gardens.

She, by her perambulations, set in concrete the road from Bridge Street to the point named after her. She also was heavily involved with both the orphans home, and the female factory out at Parramatta.

Given the social structures of their time, they wee progressives, who gave transgressors another chance after they served their time.

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