Monday 21 September 2015

Karoo rain selfie

I enjoy taking selfies.  It is something one has to do if you travel solo a lot (which I normally do when travelling for business) and want to at least be in a picture.  Selfies are also a way to tell people "Look where I am and you're not" making it a great tourism marketing tool.  Driving back to Port Elizabeth from Johannesburg I was on a quiet road between Steynsburg and Hofmeyr in the Karoo and stopped to stretch my legs.  There wasn't a car in sight so I decided to do something I have seen a lot of bloggers and Instagrammers do.  Take a selfie with the camera on road level while standing right in the middle of the road.  Plus it started raining so I could do the stretch out my arms and feel the rain pose.  This was the result.  One moment I like the picture and the next it feels all wrong (what with lines and thirds and all).  I know I need to work on it a bit but lessons have been learned ala Heyneke Meyer and the Springboks.  So what do you think? 

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