Wednesday 9 September 2015


Festival of Nations 2015 1

Everything I know about cricket I learned from Monty Python. I've see people fooling around with cricket bats and balls in Forest Park and watched it on TV in the UK. I sort of get the general idea but have to ask myself why? Sure, there are people who feel the same way about baseball (one of whom lives in Birmingham) but, as best I can tell, baseball has so many more nuances and complexities. To each their own. As we can see above, even Harry Potter plays cricket.

These are the first photos from our big Festival of Nations that took place in Tower Grove Park a week ago. Members of a cricket team let people have a wack. St. Louisans from all over the world were there. Mrs. C, old Kathmandu hand that she is, worked the Mitrata Nepal booth one afternoon (see bottom of right sidebar). More to come. 
Festival of Nations 2015 2

Festival of Nations 2015 3

Festival of Nations 2015 4

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