Sunday 6 September 2015

A productive spring day ...

It was a dull, overcast day, today. Just perfect for the next stage of my preparation for Spring in my garden. This year I am not so much growing vegetables for our kitchen. The quality I produce is not as good as the grocer can provide. I am also pretty weak at spreading the bounty, and really, what can one do with a dozen cauliflowers which all mature in the same week!

So, mainly this year, I have planted things whoich my grad-daughters can pick and eat on the spot. Hence, strawbwrries, peas, beans, raspberries, blueberries, cucumbers. Other things. like Spring Onions and Garlic, I am growing for the flowers! The figs are for me!!

I trellissed-up for my tomatoes. Transplanted by bean seedlings, and planted seeds for cucumber, zucchini, and pumpkin.

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