Tuesday 4 August 2015

Where did Coffee Bay get it's name?

Have you ever wondered where Coffee Bay got its name from?  Its not like the Wild Coast is a coffee growing area and beer is a lot more popular around there than coffee anyway.
Way back in 1893 on a...
this part of the story I don't know so I will give you a couple of options
1. dark stormy night
2. quiet fog covered morning
3. bright sunshine day (with the sun shining in the captain's eyes)
... a cargo ship with a load of coffee beans ran aground somewhere around the area.  The coffee beans washed up on the beach and surrounding coastline and some of them took root and started growing.  Unfortunately the salty soil and conditions is totally wrong for coffee and not much came of it.  The name did stick though.
The photo of the Coffee Bay coastline was taken from my room at Ocean View Hotel during a recent visit.

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