Sunday 23 August 2015


STL Worlds Fare 2015 1

So, back home and looking for things to shoot. There was something going on in Forest Park called St. Louis Worlds Fare: Heritage Festival. I couldn't figure out from its web site what the central theme was. I went and, um, still couldn't find a reason for its existance. Kind of a punky little event with food booths and trucks; booths with people selling things like home remodeling, insurance and cheap mobile service; a couple of undistinguished artists and a stage that, while I was there, featured a girls dance school doing clean hip-hop stuff, if you can imagine such a thing. (Obviously not from Compton.) 

All in all, a bit tedious. But there was one booth from a raptor protection center that had this amazing owl, just as calm as you please. The feathers have an obvious comparison to military camouflage clothing.                                
STL Worlds Fare 2015 2

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