Wednesday 12 August 2015

The New Buildings

London's skyline is constantly changing! Lots of new buildings with funny names popping up everywhere.  Cheese Grater, Walkie Talkie, Razor, Can of Ham and so on.  How would Kirkcaldie view these buildings do you suppose?  (see yesterday's post)

The Cheese Grater ran into problems earlier this year when a bolt (when I say bolt I'm talking serious bolt, the size of an arm type bolt) fell 15 stories to the ground.  Within the space of three months three bolts suffered the same fate.  It appears the bolts failed due to something called "hydrogen embrittlement".  This was explained to me as tiny wee hydrogen protons racing through the steel creating havoc until it explodes.

Not a good look.  The building has 3,000 of these bolts in it.  All of which will need to be replaced at an estimated cost of £6 million.

In recent weeks we have learned the same bolts have been used in the new American Embassy building.  Yep, the same problem.

What do you think Kirkcaldie would have said?

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