Saturday 1 August 2015

A bike waiting for a bus ride


Just in time for today's City Daily Photo community's Theme Day on bicycles I happened on this strange scene at Beer Sheva's Central Bus Station.

I've never seen a bike inside the terminal.
The only way to get a bike onto a bus in Israel is to hope that the not-large luggage compartment in the bottom of the bus is not full of backpacks and baby strollers.

The other strange thing was that the apparent bike owner was wearing a fedora, like a Chabad hat, together with an Air Force uniform -- a no-no for the IDF.
It's fine for Orthodox soldiers to be black hatters when they are home on leave, but no soldier may mix private headwear with the public uniform.

Enlarge the photo a few times to see the nice mix of girl and boy soldiers, Bedouins, tourists, and locals. 
That's it from Beer Sheva, folks, now go see what bikes the many City Daily Photo bloggers have found in their cities around the world!

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