Monday 31 August 2015

Lotus People

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 13

The rose garden is just beyond the figures we saw yesterday. This pair of lotus lovers stand there, perhaps courting each other. Maybe they are just courteous members of the horticulture society. It's hard to get a sense of scale but they are much larger than life size.                           
Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 12

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 11

Game of Towers

Sometimes called the “Paris of the east,” the city of Hangzhou in eastern China rose to its reputation with an appropriate set piece—a replica of the Eiffel Tower. Geovien So waited for the golden hour to capture a shot of the famous silhouette while, in the foreground, local residents play a postwork game of basketball.

So’s shot was recently featured in the Daily Dozen.

September City Daily Photo Theme Day: Curiosity

Parc aux cerfs Versailles
It's Theme Day in the City Daily Photo blogging community. You would have thought that VDP would easily find a curiosity in Versailles... Well nope. You'd have had to pay her good money (lots of Swiss Francs for instance) to go to the palace in August and so she came up with a historical curiosity. Saint-Louis neighbourhood, which you often see on this blog, was entirely built on what used to be the 'parc aux cerfs', literally the 'stag park'. It was a clearing that provided game for the royal court and aristocracy during the reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. In Versailles, it is also said that there was a house where, at the instigation of his mistress Madame de Pompadour, king Louis XV hid some (very) young subjects of his romantic liaisons... You might want to read more about this story by clicking here. Anyway, nowadays, all that remains is this plaque below (hotel as in old French for private residence, not a place to stay at), and the building on Anjou Street. It is said there was a tunnel somewhere, behind the door on the right of the second photo... Happy September everyone! All the posts of the community are this way!

Le thème du mois de septembre dans la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo, c'est curiosité. Dur, dur de trouver des curiosités à Versailles qui n'ont pas déjà été publiées sur ce blog par votre dévouée servitrice, qu'il aurait fallu payer très, très cher pour se rendre au château en plein mois d'août et qui eut donc l'idée d'aller en quête de l'hôtel du Parc aux Cerfs, rue d'Anjou. Tout le quartier Saint-Louis est construit sur l'ancienne réserve de chasse de Louis XIII et Louis XIV. Madame de Pompadour, favorite de Louis XV, après la fin de sa liaison physique avec le roi en 1752, installa, dans une demeure de ce quartier des femmes, souvent très jeunes, qui y étaient entretenues pour satisfaire la concupiscence du roi. Ce qu'il en reste de nos jours ? Pas grand chose, si ce n'est cet hôtel et cette plaque. Il y aurait un souterrain, dit-on, passé la première porte à droite de la deuxième photo ci-dessous... Pour voir les interprétations du thème dans des villes du monde entier, c'est par là ! Bon mois de septembre !
Hôtel du Parc aux Cerfs Versailles rue d'Anjou
Hôtel du Parc aux Cerfs Versailles rue d'Anjou
Hôtel du Parc aux Cerfs Versailles rue d'Anjou
Oh and lest VDP forgets, it is said that the delightful model for François Boucher's no less delightful painting, Resting Girl, was Marie-Louise O'Murphy, one of the residents of the Parc aux Cerfs... The information as to the identity of the young girl seems to have been given by no less than Casanova himself!

Ah et avant que VDP n'oublie, il semblerait, selon Casanova, que le délicieux modèle de la non moins délicieuse œuvre de François Boucher soit Marie-Louise O'Murphy, l'une des résidentes du Parc aux Cerfs...
François Boucher Louise O'Murphy
There are two versions painted by Boucher. Which one do you prefer?

Laquelle des deux versions de Boucher préférez-vous ?
François Boucher Louise O'Murphy

Theme Day - Curiosity

I do not usually let any of my Spring Onions go to seed. My grandaughter is intruiged with the shape, and is curious to see what the flower will look like.

This is my contribution to the City Daily Photo Monthly Theme Day. To see further contributions to the September Theme of "Curiosities" please visit the CDP Gallery

This theme was chosen by William, who lives in Ottawa, Canada. He started Ottawa Daily Photo in September 2013. Please pay him a courtesy visit.

Go Sailing

Cruise the Thames is a tall ship.  Another day of the Tall Ship Festival giving you a last chance, for this year anyway, to cruise the Thames in one of these magnificent ships.  Just be sure to take your waterproof gear.

Sunday 30 August 2015

St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney


 Now during my visit to my family in Australia I finally got into the city, to my favorite place in Sydney -- St. Mary's Cathedral.

Solemn Sung Mass was beautiful with the men's and boys' choir and the organ and all the smells and bells of the Church.

After the service people may gather around and watch the organist play the organ voluntary.
I think yesterday it was Toccata in F by 17th century Dietrich Buxtehude.

There's just something about a Gothic (-style) cathedral!
It's something we lack in Jerusalem. 

More photos of St. Mary's in the coming days (after I have been without Internet for the last five days, oi).
For more about the cathedral (from my previous visits) you can type "St. Mary's" in the little search box on top. 

(Linking to inSPIREd Sunday.)

Peeking Kirkjufell

Located on the coast of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula in western Iceland, Kirkjufell, which means “church mountain,” is said to be the most photographed mountain in the country. It’s a challenging climb to the top—but worth the extraordinary view when you get there.

Predator and Prey

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 6

BUT FIRST, WE INTERRUPT OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMMING to announce the arrival of Ms. Audrey Crowe in Chicago yesterday afternoon, first child of our son, Andy, and his wife, Claire, and our second grandchild. All doing well. Pix to come.

So, where were we? Beginning a walk along the route of the Lantern Festival at the Missouri Botanical Garden from beginning to end. It starts with some amphibians. Who's lunch for whom?

Lots more of this. And I did a lot of shooting at our Festival of Nations on Saturday and Sunday. And next weekend it's the big Japanese Festival back at the Garden. (Konichiwa!) Vast amounts of material.                         

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Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 8

Le Transilien

Versailles pont rue du Parc de Clagny Transilien Train
Yesterday the bridge, today the view from the bridge! Train arriving at Rive Droite station!

Hier le pont, aujourd'hui la vue depuis le pont ! Le Transilien arrive à Rive Droite !
Versailles Rive Droite Transilien Train

Ted gets a few ra(di)sh ideas

Saturday 29 August 2015

About Yesterday's Picture

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 5

Turn around and see this.

We caught the last weekend of the annual Lantern Festival at the Missouri Botanical Garden on Friday night. It is always on Chinese themes. Yesterday's pic was of the reflection of this scene in a window. The event always brings out the crowds. There's lots more to see.                         Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 4
Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 3

But what's all this then? Seen yesterday afternoon. Too much to shoot this weekend

Tide Is High

“Pay attention,” Fran Virues Avila was told by the diver seen here. “My jump will be worthy of observing.” Avila visits La Caleta Beach in Cádiz, Spain, every year to see people take the plunge when the tide is high. Perhaps this particular diver trains during the year or has natural athletic abilities, Avila ponders. In any case, he writes, the result did not disappoint, displaying “a mixture [of] freedom and courage.”

Le pont blanc

White bridge Versailles pont rue du Parc de Clagny
You have seen this bridge over Rive Droite (Right Bank) railway tracks on VDP before, albeit not so nicely white, it was here and seen from the other side of Parc de Clagny street...

Vous aviez déjà vu le pont de la rue du Parc de Clagny, qui enjambe la voie ferrée de Rive Droite, c'était ici mais de l'autre côté et le pont a été repeint depuis !
White bridge Versailles pont rue du Parc de Clagny

Curiosity - comes naturally to children

Children are naturally curious about the world around them. These children were in the park atop Middle Head, inspecting this Wattle ush.


A blue plaque with a difference, not worldly famous, this man was a local hero.  I vote for more of these plaques.

The Crags Sunset

There is nothing like a beautiful sunset to end off a perfect day.  
Sunset over the distant mountains during our recent weekend in The Crags near Plettenberg Bay

Friday 28 August 2015


Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 1

Scene from an outdoor event Mrs. C and I attended last night. It's late as I write this and I'm pooped out. Clearer images and explanation tomorrow.                 

Painted Pink

Sunset surrounds the late 19th-century Rattray Head lighthouse in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Grant Glendinning captured the dusk’s changing light with a long exposure and a neutral density and polarizing filter attached to a wide-angle lens.

Glendinning’s image was recently featured in Your Shot’s Daily Dozen.

En août aux jardins familiaux de Jussieu

Allotments Versailles jardins familiaux Jussieu
Mid-August scenes of the Jussieu neighbourhood allotments which you had seen here in winter!

Vous les aviez vus en hiver ici.
Allotments Versailles jardins familiaux Jussieu
Allotments Versailles jardins familiaux Jussieu

Curiosity a design fad from the past

This is part of the Sydney Town Hall at the top of George Street, after the long haul up from Circular Quay, and before the slide down Brickfield Hill. The Town Hall was constructed between 1868 and 1889. There was a bevy of architects and designers. They liked this sort of ornamentation in those days, or perhaps each man got some of his ideas through. A perfect example of building by committee.

Artists at Work

There are several areas in the city that are allocated for street artists, as result there is an ever changing series of canvases to view.

Thursday 27 August 2015


Failed Society

A bleak hipster clothing store on Cherokee Street. I bet there is some kid in the back on a hard chair reading Kafka's Metamorphosis. The whole look made me think of the old Fugs song Nothing. (I actually owned this album. Despite what it says on the YouTube link, it was originally issued in 1966 when I was in high school. The verses get funnier as it goes on.)                      

Skin and Bones

Having succumbed to the forces of man or nature, an Arabian oryx leaves behind its skull and well-weathered horns. The “fascinating” remains were captured by Mario Cardenas in Al Gharbia, a region in the western United Arab Emirates. The camel and riders head in the direction of the annual camel festival in Madinat Zayed.

Lundi, dans la soirée

Tempête avenue de Paris à Versailles storm
While we've had a hot summer since the beginning of June, this week started out stormy, windy, rainy and... well this was early evening on Avenue de Paris...

C'était lundi, avenue de Paris... un peu la tempête...
Tempête avenue de Paris à Versailles storm
Tempête avenue de Paris à Versailles storm