Saturday 6 June 2015

Un "afternoon tea" de luxe

Sablé biscuit cookie Trianon Palace Versailles
Trust me, that thing was good. VDP is drooling at the mere thought of it! This was afternoon tea at Trianon Palace hotel which you had seen here. Actually, it was tea for the friend who accompanied VDP (and allowed her to taste it) and tapas for yours truly who at the time just had to have some foie gras... 

Croyez-moi, ce sablé était une tuerie. Si la personne qui accompagnait VDP a opté pour un thé gourmand tout sucré, VDP avait envie de salé et a opté pour le foie gras... Ce fut une halte luxueuse et fort agréable au Trianon Palace !
Foie gras et thé gourmand Trianon Palace Versailles
Terrasse Trianon Palace Versailles

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