Tuesday 30 June 2015

Theme Day - Up-side-down - Tall ship, Enterprize (7)

Although an experienced scuba-diver, and an afficionado of marine archaeology, my friend, Diane, was hesitant about taking the one hour jaunt on "The Enterprize" on Port Phillip Bay, out of Portarlington. The weather was brewing, and this close to the heads, the waters have a treacherous reputation.

The decision made, we boarded and headed for the dead-centre of the deck to mitigate the bluster and swell as nuch as possible.I walk with a stick, and wobble precariously at times, so did not move around for the duration. I did, however, move from the vertical to the horizontal, ie, I lay down on the cabin roof, which afforded some remarkable views of the rigging.

This is my contribution to the City Daily Photo Monthly Theme Day. For further contributions to the July Theme of "Upside-Down" please visit the CDP Gallery.

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