Tuesday 27 August 2024


The Fringe is known for out-there, experimental work. However, a dance performance based on the pseudoscientific Myers-Briggs personality test, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator, pushed the envelope. It was once very popular in American business; some of my old colleagues gave it to all new employees. It is a self-assessment instrument,  leading to one of 16 classifications, marked by four letters.

Modern Marvels Dance Company produced a beautiful work called INFJ, one of the 16 categories. A web page on the subject describes it as is a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging  traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things. I dont know much about dance (and am incapable of doing it) but, although it was lovely, I had a hard time getting the connection.

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