Thursday 29 August 2024



Yet another Fringe performance. Cam Burns is  a young musician from Kansas City. The title of the show is one of his songs. He plays keyboards with speed and agility, writes songs and sings. Burns falls in the tradition of so many piano player singer-songwriters. In the second picture, his brother accompanies him on guitar.

My spine surgery yesterday went very well. I can stand straighter but still a little woozy from anesthesia. General anesthesia is a strange thing. I was, and then I was not, and then I was. There was no sensation of slipping away or gradually coming back; more like an on-off switch. There is no pain around the tiny incision. Lots of thanks to my wonderful neurosurgeon, Dr, John Ogunlade, and the fabulous team at the Washington University Medical Center - Barnes-Jewish Hospital.                

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