Thursday 23 February 2023


The costume of one of the Krewe de Junque at the Mardi Gras parade. The lettering across the top may be hard to read depending on your screen. It says The Buffalo Bill Stories, Devoted To Far Western Life. Published in New York, price 5 cents.

It reminds me of a family story. Many years ago we spent a couple of days at Disneyland Paris. We went to a dinner show in a U shaped horse arena featuring Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley and fables of the American west. The audience was divided in four sections, each having a rodeo clown/cheerleader. Ours was from Kansas City and we hit it off. Towards the end of the show there was a shooting contest with four audience members versus Annie Oakley. Our cheerleader picked me. Bill asked me something like "Eh bien, mon ami, d'où viens-tu ?" My French was up to that and I answered in my coarsest Midwest twang, "J'habite à Saint Louis, Missouri!"  Bill put the microphone aside and muttered, "oh shit, an American." The contest proceeded and I graciously let Annie win.            

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