Friday 14 October 2022


Or almost everybody with a real camera when they visit the British Museum. That's what we did yesterday, to the point of exhaustion, on our first full day here. The central courtyard was covered with this eye-popping roof some years ago. The geometry is irresistible.

Parts of the place, particularly the famous Egyptian galleries, were impossibly crowded. On a weekday in October. Lots and lots of school groups with small children. People from all over the world. We still don't have our clocks reset and it wore us out.

We are still figuring out what to do today, depending on the typically damp autumn weather. Tosca at the English National Opera tonight. 

And we still don't know if we will get to Paris on Tuesday. Much of France is in another labor dispute meltdown and there may be a general strike on our travel day. There are worse places to get stuck than London but the hotel is fully booked and we don't have a place to stay after Monday night.                         

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