Sunday 9 July 2017

Grand Center Theatre Crawl

Back home. I've been doing some volunteer shooting for small arts organizations. The night before we left for New York was the first of two days of the Grand Center Theatre Crawl, now in its fifth year. Twenty four local theater (c'mon, American spelling, please) music and dance companies put on short performances. The audience rotates every half hour to see whatever calls out to them. The companies get publicity.

The Crawl assigned me to a group of venues east of Grand Boulevard. First up was Fat Dancer, produced by the St. Louis Fringe, which I also shoot for. Themes of body image, shaming and self-acceptance. (The Fringe main festival is coming soon in August. Go. GO. And go to the warm-up event, Act Your Pants Off, on July 25! It's a hoot! Not that warm-up events are really necessary in St. Louis in July.)

More to come.    

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