Monday 31 July 2017

City Daily Photo August Theme Day: Young At Heart

I didn't have anything prepared for theme day so I had to hunt through the archives. Found this of my granddaughter, Madeleine, blowing through a kazoo as hard as she could. But backwards.  There are days I'd like to let down my adult guard and do something like this, let the child back out and make rude noises at the world. Most of us probably have those days.     

Sunday 30 July 2017

Zombies Stalk The Stage

More clowning around at AYPO. I'm waiting for some help from The Fringe staff to identify each of these performers, so this post may be updated in the morning. One of the shows at the upcoming main festival Is called Liberals vs Zombies vs Conservatives. (How will we tell the difference between the second and third? I mean, just look at Mitch McConnell.) Not sure if the first actor is associated with that but we'll find out.

Love the shirt in the second picture and the attitude in the third. And don't miss the hunkiness at the end. 

The Indominable Donna Weinstein

Another personality from Act Your Pants off. The judges declared Donna Weinstein the overall winner. Decades of experience have given her a powerful stage presence. She acts like she owns the place and I think she did. Age has its privileges and the only clothing she removed was a strand or two of those big beads.       

Friday 28 July 2017

They Just Keep Doing it

Taking off articles of clothing, that is, and making people laugh at it. There are all kinds of ways to play that combination. It's the premise of Act Your Pants Off.

By the way, the 2017 Fringe main festival season is just around the corner! Be there or be square. Find info on some of the top shows here (the photo on the upper left for the Snow White show is mine) and complete schedule details with ticket ordering here.        

Surprise clouds at sunset


Not just here in the Negev desert, but all over Israel, July has been crazy hot.
One heat wave after another with no respite.
Temps in the high 30s (near 100 degrees F) in the shade (if you can find any shade). 
Even our nights are too warm, which is not normal. 

During my sunset walk I was treated to these strange clouds and, mercifully, the breeze began to blow. 
Our summer skies do not often have any clouds.
And the long hot rainless summer can last for eight months.  

Shabbat shalom! 
(Linking to SkyWatch Friday.)

Thursday 27 July 2017

Why They Call It That

The Act Your Pants Off show has a couple of premises. There are a certain number of professional actors and comedians, seven this time around, and two rounds of performance. If I got it straight, in the first half each actor is given a (usually silly) monologue to perform. In the second round they choose their own, which can be serious material. However, co-MC Desere' Declyne calls out directions from the balcony, ostensibly to test a range of acting skills, telling the actors to do, say, a Home Shopping Network pitch as Mickey Mouse or Euripides as a revival preacher. 

The audience buys "Fringe Bucks" for a dollar each and "tips" their preferred performers. This is totaled. In the second round the audience is encouraged to throw real cash at the actors, which they get to keep. When mistakes are made in the second round, the performers are in theory required to remove articles of clothing, hence Act Your Pants Off. Some bogus scoring occurs and an overall winner is declared. I might not have all the details correct but that's the general idea.

Above, Fringe executive director Matt Kerns feigns surprise over all this. Some performers really do have something to show off, like Alex Carnes, and Lola van Ella shows the right way to take off a glove.   

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Act Your Pants Off 2017

Tuesday night brought us the annual fund raiser and warm-up for the St. Louis Fringe's festival season, Act Your Pants Off. It has been featured in these pages before. The festival runs from August 17 to 26 and if you are in the STL area and you don't go you are Not A Friend Of This Blog.

The top photos features the Fringe's executive director, Matthew Kerns, and our mistresses of ceremonies, The Lou's favorite ecdysiast, Lola van Ella, and our premier drag queen, Desire' Declyne. Below, Lola belts out a very hot version of Love For Sale. (Reminds me a bit of Evita Peron singing Don't Cry For Me Argentina. The photo, not the song.) She wasn't wearing this much later in the evening. It was a great time. Plenty more to come.      

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Send This To Washington

A copy of Rodin's The Thinker in front of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. It has become a cliche and isn't my favorite Rodin anyway (give me The Burghers of Calais any day)  but it makes a point. I usually avoid all but mild references to politics in this blog but that narcissistic wanna-be dictator in the White House and his spineless sycophants in Congress enrage me. Would that there were more, shall we say, rational and independent thinkers in our nation's capital. Not holding my breath.        

Law Of The Jungle

The displays of wild animals at Cabela's had a gruesome twist: simple, violent and completely natural predation, one species taking down another to devour. Still, it was a bit in-your-face for this kind of venue. How do children react to this? It's a lot more intense than Bambi's mother being shot.

Sunday 23 July 2017


After the visit to the Farmstead and a bit of lunch, the family decided to visit Cabela's in Kansas City, Kansas. It's a chain of huge outdoor equipment shops - fishing, camping, hunting, guns for all occasions. I was out of my element. Where I grew up, you wouldn't dare eat anything you caught in the local waterways. Where I grew up, only the cops and really bad guys had guns. City kid that I am, I never imagined that I would visit one of these. (As Gene Wilder said to Cleavon Little in Blazing Saddles, the funniest movie of all time, what's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?)

The place is mind-boggling. Not just the store itself but the amazing dioramas, for want of a better word, of wildlife from Africa to the Arctic. You know, things you can shoot. They reminded me of but far surpassed displays like this in the Museum of Natural History in NYC when I was a boy. You can take a virtual tour by clicking the link above.

Saturday 22 July 2017

A Kansas Farm Birthday

My wife's youngest sister, Mary Lee, has cerebral palsy and is severely handicapped. She has not had an easy life. Still, her brothers and sisters watch out for her. She is precious and much loved. She turns 60 this month and it was time to do something special for her.

She lives in a group home in a small Kansas town, quite some distance west of KC. The family brought her to town this weekend for a celebration. The suburban town of Overland Park, Kansas, has a remarkable facility, the Deanna Rose Childrens' Farmstead. It distills the essence of Kansas' farming tradition for kids who now live with air conditioning, cars and video screens. Good venue for the occasion. Above, my wife, Carolyn, is in  turquoise. Clockwise from her, Dorothy Holst, Mary Lee, Mel Kruse and Ron Kruse. 

Each of the pix below has a short note after it. And, by the way, it hit 108 F / 42 C in St. Louis today, breaking a record for the date set in 1901. Time to pay more attention to Al Gore.             

Greetings, urbanites.

Your face here.

My new business.

Lay or bust? Sounds apocalyptic.

I thought that's what scotch is for.

Friday 21 July 2017

At The Nelson-Atkins

The temperature was one hundred degrees when we pulled into Kansas City yesterday afternoon. The wind itself was hot, not a bit refreshing. We were grateful that the Nelson-Atkins, KC's excellent art museum, had an underground garage.

We think it is one of America's best regional museums. It's photography section beats the heck out of what we have at home. Hallmark Cards, based here, had a spectacular collection of 6,500 images it donated to the museum a few years ago. The main current exhibition was about the photographers who worked for the government during the Depression. Most prominent were the images of Dorothea Lange, including one of the most famous and heart breaking pictures in the history of photography.     

The Snowbirds were frolicking in Grand Forks July 19

Ghost Rider

I like this car for its clean lines and sense of forward motion. Parking it mostly under a tree highlights the aggressive nose. 

Road trip to Kansas City today for a family event tomorrow. It's supposed to be outdoors. 104 F / 40 C here today, 105 F / 40.5 C tomorrow. Only slightly better in KC. We can bake here or bake there. I wonder if the venue will have to be moved.   

Wednesday 19 July 2017

"Lost" in an antique store

Getting lost somewhere doesn't always have to mean you don't know where you are.  Sometimes you are so in awe of where you are that you lose track of time and literally get lost in your own mind.  While exploring Ira's Antique Shop in Graaff-Reinet while looking for the oldest cake in South Africa, I spotted this guy down the passage looking totally lost in himself.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Street Rods

I don't know if you could actually drive these on, say, nearby I 55. The license plate in the top photo does not look like it has been valid in the State of Illinois since 1923 and using a Jack Daniels box as a trunk might attract the attention of the police. The Shelby Cobra, below, might be okay if the muffler meets government regulations.

It's not Phoenix, of course, but most people here are hiding out this week. The forecast is for high temperatures of 100 - 102 F / 38 - 39 C for the next four days. We've seen hotter in STL (the highest I remember is 106 F / 41 C) but, as they say, better get used to it.