Wednesday 31 August 2016

Big Hair, Big Dreams: The Mini Donald Trump Musical

Two days without a post. That may be a record for me, other than times I've had no Internet access. Work has been . . . well, as my mother used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. And I picked up some virus. Didn't last very long but now the rest of the family has it. I know - wah wah wah.

But I'm better today so back to it. Another fringe offering and a hilarious one. Donald Trump, puppets, ladies in red, white and blue outfits, a television and and an electronic keyboard. What could be better? Yes, a one act puppet musical about The Donald (and as my aunts on the Irish side of my family used to say, Jesus, Mary and all the saints protect us).

In the second picture, young Donald meets a wizard who teaches him how to use The Force to lift an X-Wing Fighter out of a lagoon. After that there's no stopping him. Hillary was in the show, too. More of that tomorrow unless the dark side of The Force prevents it.

I gotta get out of here. Sweet relief is in sight. By Monday night, Mrs. C and I will be sitting in a giant 747, where the attendants have charming British accents and offer us gin and tonics. Ahhh.         

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