Thursday 14 April 2016

Desert Embroidery's Mobile Library in Lakia

Looks like a shelf stacked with kids' books in Arabic and Hebrew, right?

Actually it is the side of a truck, a library on wheels!

The project was started 15 years ago by some very energetic and courageous Bedouin women with vision living in the town of Lakia, here in the Negev.
The Mobile Library travels around Lakia.
It also goes out to several settlements in the Bedouin "diaspora" which are not recognized by the State of Israel.

The library's webpage, where you can see more photos, explains like this:
Although 58% of Lakia’s 10,000 residents are children, Lakia has no public library.  The Mobile Library Project was set up in 2000 to provide children in Lakia and the unrecognized villages in the area with an opportunity to read and exchange books to improve their reading skills, instill a love of reading and facilitate their educational achievement.
Three days a week, the Mobile Library travels in Lakia and the unrecognized villages of Abu Kef, Owajan and Alatresh, all of which are denied municipal services. At each stop enthusiastic children check out books in Arabic, Hebrew and English. Volunteer university students organize story hours and operate the library in exchange for a small stipend. We estimate that the library reaches some 1,750 children of all ages.
Future plans for the Mobile Library include extending operations to a full week, the expansion of library visits to more unrecognized villages for the benefit of even more children, development of an area for games, and the procurement of new books.
 The library is only one of the projects of Desert Embroidery, Association for the Improvement of Women's Status, Lakia.
We can learn a lot by reading the three sections of Overview at the website and then looking through the other text and photos.
(Linking to Our World Tuesday and signs, signs.)

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