Saturday 30 April 2016

"Being present with a whiff of cardamom"


Come into Jerusalem's Old City spice shop, a pleasure to the nose and eye.
What here is labeled "coffee spice" is cardamon.
 Ahh, so fragrant when added to Turkish coffee, and healthy for the heart too.

I enjoyed this article which says
"Frequent mentions of mindfulness — slapping the word on every object and practice — don’t make us more mindful. “People have this magical belief in words as if they’re incantations. The more people use it, the less you’re distinguishing yourself from anyone else,” says [linguist Geoffrey] Nunberg, who views mindfulness as “being present with a whiff of cardamom.”
[Italics are mine!]

See how other bloggers illustrate "Smell," our May Theme Day subject, over at City Daily Photo portal.

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