Saturday 18 July 2015

First time to meet the sheep + shepherd!


I finally met the good shepherd!!
Two years I've been roaming the desert outside my town and yesterday evening was the first time I saw the flock!
Enlarge the photo, don't miss his nice smile. 

I always see their droppings and sometimes even an ovine leg gnawed to the bone by jackals but never saw the flock on the hoof.

 After we chatted a bit, with the special sounds and calls that only shepherds have, he told the sheep "Heads up, enough grazing, let's go home."
I got nostalgic for my livestock work at Heifer Ranch in Arkansas; my way of calling sheep was "Sheep-sheep-sheep!" and for the goats the Hebrew "Bo-i bo-i bo-i!"

The sun had just set, ushering in our holy Sabbath Eve.
For the young Bedouin man, end-of-Ramadan Eid al-Fitr was just beginning.
It was a blessed evening all around.
(Linking to Camera Critters.)

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