Saturday 28 August 2021


A couple of things to say up front. First: I simply don't understand dance. I am physically graceless. I have no athletic ability and have iffy balance. Second: no matter how many Fringe performances I photograph, I will never, ever again see something like this.

The young woman who goes by Sky is independent and trying to make her way in the world personally and artistically. We know one another from a couple of past Fringe festivals. She loves to dance and creates her owe esthetic, using music, a bit of fabric and her own inner flow. 

Her performance at this year's festival had something different. She called it I'd Rather You See My Soul Than My Body. Toward the end, she spread a tarp on the floor. She took a big jar of creamy peanut butter, spread it out with a spoon, and - what's the right word? - undulated, writhed, coiled and uncoiled across it. The aroma of peanuts quickly spread throughout the tent. The bottom picture is one of the less provocative I took. I have no means to interpret it.               

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