Thursday 26 September 2019


Off line again for a couple of days due to way too much work. You wound think that after 45 years of doing essentially the same job the world would cut me some slack, but no.          

There is usually a place in a theater called the green room, a place for performers to hang out and relax before and after their time on stage. It was traditionally painted green but now it's anything the house wants. See . My friend Pete who managed the improv festival said I could go in and bother people, so I did. As usual, I didn't write down the name of this group. It's probably to small to read in this image but note the sign on the left of the second picture. It instructs the show hosts not to address the audience as ladies and gentlemen and offers some alternatives. I don't think there are a lot of ladies and gentlemen at improv clubs anyway.

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