Wednesday 3 July 2019


Pride is a tricky word and concept. It is one of the Seven Deadly SIns. According to the Book of Proverbs, pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Hamlet warns us against the proud man's contumely. (Had to look that one up. It is an out-of-use word for scorn, accent on the first syllable.)  

And yet we are proud of our and our children's accomplishments, our country (sometimes) and our worth for just being human. That was the part on display at the huge Pride Parade downtown on Sunday. It was at least as big as our other annual street buster on St. Patrick's Day. I have a ton more pictures from the event but the big Fourth of July celebrations will start to get in the way. We're watching the practice for the air show over the Mississippi from our office as I write this.

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