Wednesday 29 May 2019


I'm not a big fan of hockey but I'm aware of it. When I was young I used to go to occasional New York Rangers games. Right now, though, STL is gripped by hockey fever. Our team, the St. Louis Blues (good name, and the Blue Note is one of the best logos in sports) has made it to the championship finals for the first time in 49 years. The team had the worst record in the league on January 3, and now look. The town has gone absolutely nuts

Our opponent is the fearsome Boston Bruins. Some sports writer described the match-up as Cinderella against Godzilla. Boston won the first game but the score is tied in the second as I write this. Unless the Bruins sweep the series with four straight wins, I will be in Boston on the day of the fifth game, June 6. If I weal the appropriate hat, would the locals beat up an old guy with a cane?      

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