Saturday 25 February 2017

More about the old forester's tower

 Just to finish the report from my previous two posts about the dedication of Mitzpe Noam, a new forest lookout and monument for fallen soldier Noam Rosenthal, here are better shots of some "ruins" which share the hilltop.  
Many readers were asking about the barbed wire.

A little bit of barbed wire was recently put around the abandoned cabin to discourage further graffiti and desolation.

I can't find much information online but apparently in the mid-1980s when the community of Meitar was begun and the Meitar Forest was planted, a forest ranger was stationed on the highest hill, with a lookout tower to watch from and a simple cabin to live in. 

Before the addition of barbed wire, I once went inside the old house and snooped around.
It feels quite mysterious and full of history.
If you enlarge some of the photos, you might get the feeling. 

I heard rumors that the Keren Kayemet/Jewish National Fund afforestation authority plans to renovate the place, especially now that Mitzpe Noam is completed right next to it, and open it as a way-station for Israel Trail through-hikers to overnight in. 

Let's see what happens . . . 

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