Tuesday 17 January 2017

Approaching thunderstorms in the Drakensberg

Everybody who has ever been on holiday, weekend away or a hiking trip in the Drakensberg in summer will tell you that you are very likely to have your afternoon interrupted by a little, or sometimes a rather big, thunderstorm bringing along with it some thunder and lighting and a few (which could also be quite a lot) drops of rain.  Our 10 days at Mahai in the Northern Drakesberg's Royal Natal National Park was no different and while there we had a couple of magnificent storms move overhead.  One or two really delivering while others promised and threatened and then only did enough to dose a braai fire or two before the sun broke through again. 

Luckily camp is just over the ridge but don't waste too much time getting there...

A campsite cricket game was called off  and shelter sought when this one suddenly showed itself from behind the mountain...

A wormhole bringing alien spaceships? Nope, just a mid-afternoon thunderstorm moving overhead.
I hope...

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